So it was my birthday a couple days ago, and I was delighted to be 14 at last. Today, Bjra needed the Ventrilo info again, so I go to my inbox to PM him the info when I have 11 new messages. Curious to know what these are, I open up the inbox to reveal a fist full of spam from the M-Bot. I have been banned from reviewing for 30 days because I can't bea little humorous from time to time. Thanks for the Birthday present NG, i'll sure be making a fist full of reviews when it's Halowe'en Night :D
So yeah, I even made a song about it, feel free to check that shit out!
Also thanks for adding me on Twitter NG!
Lol.! Happy Birthday anyways dude. ^_^
Thanks man xD
No reviewing your songs for a while eh?