You're sitting here, minding your own business, when you get a phone call from your step-dad. Nothing out of the ordinary right? Well, it falls apart when he tells you that his truck blew up. Literally. The alternator was screwing up a lot, and being the family that barely has enough money to spend on themselves, we couldn't get it fixed because of how expensive it would be. My step-dad was just driving by his dad's house to go switch out for his dad's truck, because that's what they do when our truck wasn't working right. Well, a little bit after my step-dad was inside the house, the neighbors came by, exclaiming that the truck's hood was on fire. A minute or two after that, the truck exploded. Windshield completely destroyed, the front hood melted, any belongings that were in the truck are completely turned to ash, etc...
TL;DR Our truck exploded because of the alternator
We now have to use our grandpa's truck that my step-dad was going to get, and we still have to start moving our stuff out to our new house.
Just sayin'
My parent's friend got some video capture of the aftermath as well, shitty phone quality but still nonetheless something that would be entertaining.
Music production has basically grown to a halt because i'm simply impatient and not inspired. The fact that my brother goes on the computer everyday for the rest of the night doesn't help either.
set up an hour computer turns system thing
We usually do day switching but lately he's been playing minecraft...