Your chord progression is weird...
I'd suggest staying on a certain key tone when you're working with melodies (B Flat Major/Minor, etc) and chord progressions. In this scenario here, your pads don't even sound like they follow your pad too well, if not at all. The lead is kinda displeasing too (It's just a sawtooth mixed with a pulse and it has a delay thrown on it) which kinda doesn't mix with the kick. The pad is okay, but it doesn't match your melody at all. Work on matching a pad to your melody, or vice versa.
Now on to the kick. Do your kicks usually sound like that? It sounds like you totally fucked over the high end with your EQing. and with nothing really going on with your kick, the whole mix kinda collapses. Your clap is kinda weird, it seems to just stick out there because it's the only thing without any real FX thrown on it to make it sound odd.
There isn't alot of deep bass in this mix too, which kinda ruins the overall spectrum of sound as well.
So that's my overall analysis. You get a 5/10, which is actually supposed to be used as a mediocre term it you look at it, and i'm giving you a 3/5.
-Kick EQing
-Melodies/Chord progressions
-Lead synth
-overall EQing
Thanks for your time.